Incoming 6th Grade Outdoor Education Information

Hello Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to all of the new incoming 6th graders to EMMS!  We will be having our Outdoor Education field trip to NorthBay Adventure Camp in North East, Maryland from September 28th-30th, 2016. The cost of the trip will be $172 per student. A packet of information will be handed out at a mandatory Parent Information Meeting on Tuesday, August 30th at 6:30pm in the EMMS cafeteria.  (IF YOU MISSED THIS MEETING THE PACKECT IS AVAILABLE BELOW, AS WELL AS THE PRESENTATION DELIVERED TO PARENTS.) All of the forms in the packet will need to be completed and returned to EMMS by September 9th. In addition, we will need 24 chaperones to attend. If necessary, we will hold a lottery to determine which volunteers attend the trip. We had a fantastic time last year and we would like to take every sixth grader to NorthBay!

From the EMMS Health Suite: All students who need medication during the school day, the HCPSS Medication Form must be completed and dated after July 1st for current school year. If your child takes medication at school only, then this HCPSS Medication Form will cover this NorthBay Field Trip. If your child takes medication at any other time besides during the school day, please complete the NorthBay Medication Form and have it signed by your medical provider. For your convenience, the NorthBay Health and Medication Forms are attached below. Please make arrangements to get this NorthBay Medication Form completed this summer. It is critical that you get the Physician’s signature BEFORE September 9th.  

Please take a look at the NorthBay website:

Looking forward to the 2016-2017 school year,
The 6th Grade Team