IMPACT AID FORMS - Important - Deadline to return to EMMS is Friday, November 18th.


HCPSS is required to survey our student population every year to account for all students who might be eligible for federal assistance provided by the Impacted Areas Legislation, PL81-874.  Congress designates these funds to compensate the public for land areas removed from the tax rolls for government use.  Students are also eligible if their parents are employed by a government contractor or are on active duty with the military.  A form must be completed for each eligible student.  Forms will be sent home next week with every student.  Every student who meets the eligibility conditions needs to return the completed and signed form to the front office by Friday, November 18. Please note, this is a change in date. These forms cannot be copied, folded, marked, or stapled and need to be completed using a No. 2 Pencil, no ink pens.

Thank you for your cooperation in returning this required form.