GT Course Placement Review

In preparation for the 2017-2018 school year, students have received course placement recommendations based upon multiple criteria, including classroom performance, student interest, and results on standardized measures. As we work together to provide students with the most challenging courses in which they can be successful, we are offering families the opportunity to make adjustments to the recommended academic program if they feel their students are demonstrating readiness for more advanced levels of instruction. If, after reviewing the Course Placement Review form and the Middle School Course Catalog <>, you wish to request changes in course placement, then please visit the sites below print out, complete, and return the Course Placement Review Form to Student Services by Monday, March 20, 2017. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your student’s school counselor at 410-313-2844.

Rising 6th Course Placement Review Form

Rising 7th Course Placement Review Form

Rising 8th Course Placement Review Form