Green Team Yard Sale - 4/21/18 - Need to rid your house of clutter?

Date: April 21, 2018 8:00am-1pm
Rain Date: April 28, 2018 (same times)
4445 Montgomery Road, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043

The Ellicott Mills Green Team will be having their first yard sale on April 21, 2018 from 8am - 1pm (set up begins at 6:30am). To reserve a space, complete the bottom of the registration form and return it to the Front Office along with a cash or check payable to Ellicott Mills Middle School in an envelope labeled “Green Team Yard Sale.”
*** All tables must be monitored at all times by at least one person over the age of 21.
You will be sent a confirmation email with specific instructions.

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