HCPSS Information Sessions to Reduce Overcrowding at CHS and HoHS

Parents/guardians of rising 9-12th graders at Centennial and Howard high schools are invited to attend an information session on possible options to reduce overcrowding at those schools.

HCPSS staff will share information on the opportunity to participate in Project Lead The Way Biomedical Science, Computer Science, or Aerospace Engineering programs at Marriotts Ridge High School; student reassignment to Marriotts Ridge or Glenelg high schools; shuttles to Howard Community College; and career development options.

Each information night will cover the same content. Parents are encouraged to attend any of the three events.  More information on the options to relieve overcrowding is available online.

Date and Time Location Monday, Nov. 26th (7-8:30 pm) Centennial HS Tuesday, Nov. 27th (7-8:30 pm) Howard HS Tuesday, Dec. 4th (7-8:30 pm) Marriotts Ridge HS