ATTN 8th Grade Families, Message from Principal Rattay re End of Year

Hello 8th grade parents,


As we head into spring break I know that end of the year activities for our 8th graders will be a topic of conversation. With that in mind I wanted to get some very important information out to you regarding this year's events. Please note it will look different than in years past.


8th Grade Dance Celebration:

Friday, June 7th, from 7:00- 9:30 pm. Reminder it is open to EMMS 8th grade students only and this years theme is Starry Nights.


8th Grade Picnic at Centennial Park:

Monday, June 17th, during the school day. Please note this event is for EMMS 8th grade students only, no siblings, and registred parent/guardian volunteers.


8th Grade Family Celebration:

For the first time EMMS will be hosting an evening Family Celebration Event for 8th graders here at EMMS on June 18th from 6:30-8:00 pm. This event is replacing the formal Promotion Ceremony. This is an informal event that all EMMS 8th grade families and EMMS staff are invited to attend. Since this is a shift in our End Of Year activities please allow me to give some rationale behind the change.


As our 8th grade class has grown to a near 300 we can no longer house a promotion ceremony at EMMS due to size limitations. Last year we attempted to hold an off sight promotion ceremony at Rousse Theater and in that process discovered a variety of conflicts that caused unintended inequities for our students and families. Despite the upgrade in seating at the venue we were forced to limit tickets to 2 per family. This limitation caused much anxiety and inequity for our families with small children and split families. Additionally for our families who have limited availability of personal transportation many of ours students missed out. After meeting with some students, staff, and parents the following was proposed in an effort find a way for parents, families, and staff to celebrate our outgoing students. It was decided that an End of Year 8th Grade Family Celebration at EMMS would provide the following opportunities:

  • Keep it local for families with transportation needs/concerns 
  • Allow for unlimited family attendance 
  • Allow for all EMMS staff to attend and see the students they taught over the past three years
  • Give extra time for the students to connect and do memory book signings with access to staff
  • Allow for parents and students to view the 8th grade video (it will be on loop in the gym and cafeteria for all to see throughout the evening. 


Now that we have the dates and locations solidified we need your help to make it all happen.


We are still in need of volunteers for all 3 activities to help make these activities special for our 8th grade students. Please contact Mrs. Long to volunteer your time or for additional information. The committees are still in the process of forming and hope to have their initial meetings in April. 


More specified details on the events will come after spring break.


Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday.


Christopher W. Rattay, Principal

Ellicott Mills Middle School
