Message from Principal Rattay (eNews sent Friday, April 26, 2019 at 1:08 PM)

Message from Principal Rattay

Good afternoon EMMS community,

I wanted to reach out and let you know about an alternate activity your students are taking part in today. If you remember we had an event in the fall where students had an opportunity to take part in some team building activities while also discussing anti-bullying strategies and how to positively contribute to EMMS. As a follow up, today we are hosting our spring Wellness Day. The students attended all 7 classes this morning on an early dismissal schedule then post lunch are moving to their HR's for an afternoon of student created activities focusing on Kindness, Understanding The Perspective of Others, and some team building. They will then close the day out with an abbreviated Club period. I am very proud of the work our students and staff have done behind the scenes to provide an opportunity and venue for our school community to build on the work we have been doing to ensure EMMS is an inclusive, kind, and safe learning environment for all. Please take the time this evening to engage in conversation with your student about the experience and how they can individually ensure they are doing all they can to positively contribute to the school environment.

Additionally, I wanted to remind everyone about another opportunity this Monday evening for students and parents to engage in the work we are doing via Student Voice. The Student Voice Advisory Panel would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your student to an upcoming Town Hall at EMMS. The Town Hall is scheduled for Monday April 29th from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. The purpose of the Town Hall is to give students and parents at EMMS an opportunity to engage in productive conversation on the following topics: Bullying Prevention, Community Outreach, Academic Stress, Mental Health, and Student Engagement. The evening will begin in our cafeteria with a brief orientation at 6:30 pm followed by student breakout sessions. Each student will have the opportunity to engage in three 20-minute sessions based on their interest. Parents will remain in the cafeteria and take part in a Q&A session led by our Student Government President on the impact parents can have at EMMS with regards to the aforementioned topics. Please note that students do NOT have to have a parent in attendance to participate so feel free to allow your student to attend and pick them up at 8 pm when the event is over.

So that we may have our rooms set up accurately, please click here to RSVP.

Thank you for all you do to support our students, staff, and school community. Best wishes for a great weekend.

Mr. Rattay