Howard HS Announcements for incoming Freshman, 5/17/19

Howard High School will be hosting our Incoming Student Fall Sports Information Night at 7:00 pm on Wednesday June 5th in the Howard HS auditorium.  After a brief presentation by Athletics and Activities Manager, Michael Duffy, there will be breakout sessions for each of the FALL sports teams when the coaches will talk about team expectations and the tryout period.  Attendance is encouraged for any student or parent of a student who is interested in trying out for a fall 2019 athletic team at Howard High School.

Howard High PTSA Spring Spiritwear E-Store is now LIVE for One Week ONLY!  Perhaps there are some future Howard Lion Cub parents that would love to gift their graduating 8th graders with their very own Howard Lion Swag! Items will be delivered to EMMS for handout to students.  CLICK HERE