EMMS is excited to announce our 2019-2020 Intramural options.
Sponsoring staff members will announce through EMMS morning broadcasts and afternoon announcements when the registration period opens and directing students to pick up a permission slip from the front office. All intramurals have limited space and students will be selected on a first come - first served basis. No advance permission will be accepted, families will need to wait until the official announcements for permission form pick-up.
EMMS does not provide transportation for intramurals and asks that parents pay close attention to the end time. Too many late pick-ups may result in student being removed from intramural.
YEAR LONG 2019-2020
Best Buddies:
- Staff: Devon Malone
- Day and Times: During Extended Homeroom once a month
- Purpose/Information: https://www.bestbuddies.org/
- Registration has taken place and participants have been selected.
- Staff: Tina DeLuca
- Day and Times: Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15pm
- Purpose/Information: codeHER is a youth run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering girls, minority populations, and at-risk youth. We equip children and teens around the world with the technical skills and leadership qualities needed for them to change the world. EMMS' program is supported by Howard High School students.
Drama Club:
- Staff: Jennifer Johnson & Charlene Linkous
Day and Times: Schedule will be posted and update on weebly below.
Until March 2020, most rehearsals are on Fridays 3:15-6pm and Saturdays 10am-1pm - Registration has opened, please go to https://emmsdrama.weebly.com/.
Girls on the Run (GOTR) / Heart and Sole:
- Staff: Tonya Barksdale & Sharon O'Neill
- Day and Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:15-4:15pm
- Purpose/Information: Great opportunity for girls to work on self esteem and running to accomplish a goal. The girls will run a 5K at the end of their time together. Registration for this intramural is operated by the GOTR Organization.
- Registration for the FALL group has closed.
- Staff: Debbie Eikenberg
- Day and Times: Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15pm
- Purpose/Information: A national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests.
- Registration has taken place and participants have been selected.
STEM Committee:
- Staff: Michael Keenan & Greg Mushro
- Day and Times: TBA
- Purpose/Information: STEM Committee is focused on developing, supporting and operating our Spring STEAM Night.
Student Council / Student Government Association (SGA):
- Staff: Alyson Ashley, Reagan DePola & Rachel Hoffman
- Day and Times: Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30pm
- Purpose/Information: Student Council is a student elected group that deals with issues across the student body. They also plan fun creative fund raisers and community building for our school.
- Registration has taken place and participants have been selected.
- Staff: Patrick Stewart
- Day and Times: Thursdays (NEW DAY), 3:15-4:30pm STARTING October 16th.
- Purpose/Information: This co-ed intramural will focuses on the benefits of fitness and work on skills and game play of basketball.
- Registration was announced on Monday, October 14th. Interested students should pick-up a flier from the front office.
First Lego League:
- Staff: Brice Dawson & Dan Wood
- Day and Times: Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-8am
- Registration has taken place and participants have been selected.
Flag Football:
- Staff: Michael Jackson
- Day and Times: Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15pm STARTING October 15th.
- Purpose/Information: This co-ed intramural will focus on sportsmanship and team building and game plan of flag football.
- Registration has taken place and participants have been selected.
Puzzles and Games: CANCELLED
- Staff: Pat Van Noy
- Day and Times: Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30pm
- Purpose/Information: Sewing will have two separate, distinct sessions. Students will sew and make projects using sewing machines.
Young Authors Guild:
- Staff: Melissa Kleinberger
- Day and Times: starting Monday October 28th through January 16, 2020; Mondays and Thursdays, 3:15-4:15pm
- Purpose/Information: The Young Authors Guild will use creative writing prompts and develop their own mini books.
- Interested students should pick-up a flier from the front office.
Art Club:
- Staff: Melissa Kleinberger
- Day and Times: Thursdays, 3:15-4:15pm
- Purpose/Information: Art Club students will collaborate on art projects and different art related conversations.
Boys on the Run:
- Staff: Jordan Sterner
- Day and Times: Tuesdays, 3:15-4:30pm
- Purpose/Information: Great opportunity for boys to work on self esteem and running to accomplish a goal. The boys will run a 5K at the end of their time together.
- Staff: Mary Kate Dorval, Grace Burnett & Trisha Mockapetris
- Day and Times: Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30pm
- Purpose/Information: This co-ed intramural will work on skills and game play of volleyball.