Worthington ES Needs Volunteers for their annual WOES Secret Shoppe

Calling all volunteers: WOES Secret Shoppe is just 4 weeks away!!    This is a fun holiday event widely anticipated by both students and parents alike, and none of it would be possible without the support of all of our wonderful volunteers.Thank you to those that have already reached out with offers to help out--we still need many more volunteers to make this event a success! We need help with setup, personal shoppers, gift wrappers, inventory, and cleanup. Please contact us at WOES.Secret.Shoppe@gmail.com to sign up for any (or all) of the following:   Friday December 6, 6:30-8:00:        --Setup: Transform the WOES cafeteria into secret shoppe central! Saturday December 7, 10am-1pm:        --Personal shopper: As students choose the perfect gifts for family and friends, help each child get their gifts wrapped, adhere to their budget, and check out.       --Gift wrapping: We will be stocked with gift bags, gift wrap, bows, staplers,and tape. Just come ready to wrap! Saturday December 7, 1pm-3pm       --Inventory and cleanup: Everything that's left needs to be inventoried and stored away for next year.   ALSO: we can always use donations of gift bags or gift wrapping supplies. Any theme is fine--doesn't need to be holiday themed. We will have a collection box at WOES next to the main office, and are happy to come pick stuff up as well.   --Josei and Paul, your WOES PTA Secret Shoppe Coordinators