Do you have a question about Chromebook and/or Materials Distribution?

EMMS Distribution of 2020/2021 Chromebooks and Student Materials:

EMMS is reaching out DIRECTLY to families as we have items to distribute to their student(s) based on request and class registration. Please be aware that only very specific classes are distributing materials.

Chromebook Update: EMMS has issued all of the devices that have been delivered to us so far. Currently, we are waiting for more devices to come to EMMS from HCPSS to distribute.

EMMS will ONLY be using Family File information to contact our families, please make sure this is up-to-date and has an email you check regularly. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we are working hard to make sure everyone receives what they need in a timely, organized and safe manner. Should you have questions or are concerned that we have not contacted your family, please email Ms. JJ, Principals’ Secretary, @