September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020
A Message from PTA President, Julie O. Jones
PTA met Wednesday night, 9/23/2020 and nominated a Board of Directors. The nominations are: President Julie Oaks Jones julie.o.jones@gmail.com 1st Vice President Erin Weidemann mushu_mom@yahoo.com 2nd Vice President TBA Treasurer Kira Fuller kira.fuller@gmail.com Recording Secretary Alisha Brandes alisab4@msn.com We are required to vote in person for the election the vote will take place in the EMMS parking lot at 6:30pm (before it's dark) on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. We will also vote on the budget. The meeting will be quick and we appreciate anyone that is able to attend. If you are interested in helping the PTA this year we need help with Membership, community relations, marketing and social media, and IT (help set up emails and update the website) we'd like to try to organize some events for the kids and hope that soon some of those could be small and in person BUT we know we'll need a lot of hands to make that work! If you have any questions or can help please email julie.o.jones@gmail.com.Ellicott Mills Middle School PTA | 4445 Montgomery Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043 | 410-313-2839 | ellicottmillspta.wordpress.com/
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