2021-2022 Course Registration Information
Course registration for the 2021-2022 school year will be open from February 3rd until February 15th. This process will be completed through the Parent HCPSS Connect Account. Students will need to register for 7 total credits and at least 2 alternate classes.
EMMS Rising 7th Middle School.pdf
EMMS Rising 8th Middle School.pdf
Please refer to the Rising 7th and 8th Grade Course List for a “menu” of courses available at EMMS.
Directions and screencast that walks parents/guardians through a step-by-step process for looking at teacher course recommendations, adding course requests, alternates, and CPRs have been posted on https://www.hcpss.org/connect/guides/.
If you have any questions, contact your counselor.
Ms. Schwaab, A-G, rachel_schwaab@hcpss.org
Ms. Owens, H-O, shante_owens-young@hcpss.org
Ms. Burnett, P-Z, grace_burnett@hcpss.org