Chromebook Info

    EMMS: We have a Chromebook for each of our students.  

EMMS now has a Chromebook for EACH of our enrolled students AND they are ready for pick-up. No parent/guardian request is necessary.

HCPSS students are not REQUIRED to use a device from HCPSS; however, it is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Please see the following websites for more information.

EMMS has received all of our allocated devices so that we may now achieve the HCPSS’s goal of issuing devices necessary to reach a one-to-one student-to-device ratio for ALL enrolled students.

EVERY EMMS student now has a device available and READY for them or has already received one.   Parents/Guardians no longer have to request a device.   If your EMMS student(s) has not received a device from this distribution applies to you.   This Distribution also applies to any EMMS student that previously received a DELL LATITUDE. You will need to bring this device and its power cord back in order to receive a replacement.   If your student was already given Chromebook, EMMS does NOT have the ability to swap it for a newer device.  


Location: Ellicott Mills Middle School BUS LOT
  • Feb. 8 through February 26; 8am to 3pm
  • Mar. 1 and later; 9:30am to 2pm
*** Upon taking possession of an HCPSS-owned Chromebook, families agree to the HCPSS-owned Chromebook, families agree to the HCPSS Student Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations If you cannot come to EMMS during these hours or have questions, please email Ms. JJ @ and she will work with you to make alternative arrangements.  


  • Students and/or parents/guardians must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times while on EMMS campus. 
  • Students will NOT need to be present for device pickup. 
  • CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MAP showing the required traffic pattern.


  • Park in the BUS LOT.
  • Do not leave your vehicle.
  • Call EMMS Main Phone Number: 410-313-2839
    • An EMMS staff member will ask for your student’s name and for a description of your vehicle.
  • An EMMS staff member will bring the Chromebook out in a box and will either place in the vehicle’s front passenger seat or trunk. If you prefer us to place it in your trunk, please make sure to have it open.

Ellicott Mills Middle School | 4445 Montgomery Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043 | 410-313-2839 |


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