Ellicott Mills Middle School
EMMS EAGLE NEWSFriday, June 4, 2021
- June 9: Virtual High Schoool Visitation Day (see below for details)
June 10: Schools Closed 3-Hours Early
- Click HERE for our early dismissal schedule for the last 4 days of school. It is also on our website.
- June 11: Schools Closed 3-Hours Early
- June 14: Schools Closed 3-Hours Early
June 15: Schools Closed 3-Hours Early
NOTE: All HCPSS students who are returning to an HCPSS school in August MAY KEEP THEIR CHROMEBOOK OVER THE SUMMER. Students do have the option to have EMMS store your device over the summer, but this is not required. However, if you are unenrolling your student from HCPSS, you MUST turn your device and charger in by June 15th. Please complete this form ONLY if you intend to turn your assigned technology (including Chromebooks, chargers, and hotspots) into EMMS. Please be sure to indicate the reason for your device return. SURVEY LINK Please note that if you are withdrawing from HCPSS, your technology can be turned in to EMMS by June 15, 2021. After June 15th, you will need to return it to one of the Technology Support Centers listed below:- Old Bushy Park Elementary School, Room E2 (door to the left of the front entrance), 2690 Route 97, Glenwood (Building is between Glenwood Middle School and Bushy Park Elementary School)
- Old Cedar Lane, Gymnasium (door on the left side of the building; follow the signs), 5451 Beaverkill Road, Columbia (Building shares a parking lot with Harper’s Choice Middle School)
Hours of operation are:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and
Tuesday and Thursday from 2-5 p.m.
School Opening/Closing Times and
Secondary Schedule for Next School Year
As HCPSS looks to normalize operations for Fall 2021, start and ending times for each school will return to the original, pre-COVID schedule, and middle and high schools will return to the 7-period schedule for the 2021-2022 school year. Learn More.
2021-2022 Academic Calendar: Click Here to DOWNLOAD in monthly format.PRIDE MONTH
EMMS showing its PRIDE!
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Hall Mural
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GSA Tie Die Event.
EMMS Teachers, Staff, and Elliott the Eagle are proud to recognize the following students for being resilient:Grade 6: Ezra Storch & Noah Martinez
Grade 7: Dario Manley & Mabel Adoga
Grade 8: Jacob Larrabee & Bolu Funmilayo
EMMS SPIRIT WEAR - Will return in August 2021.
Please Return EMMS Media Books/Materials: Students, please take some time to locate library books and play-a-ways that you borrowed either from our EMMS Media Center or from your elementary schools last year. You may return all media items to the permanent return bin in front of EMMS 24/7! If you have any questions about library items, please reach out to our EMMS Media Center staff: christina_batelka@hcpss.org. Thank you for your cooperation! Returning Textbooks: There are three ways for you to return borrow textbooks.- You are welcome to drop off any textbooks any weekday 7 am to 3 pm. There is a table in the vestibule on the right that you may simply place the book there.
- Please feel free to drop the textbook in the Media Center bin located under the overhang at the top of the bus loop any day, any time.
NEWS From Our Feeder High Schools
Centennial High School:- The Centennial High School Athletic Department will conduct their Fall Season Sports interest meetings starting Monday, June 7 thru Monday, June 14th. If you are interested in trying out for a Fall Sport at Centennial HS, starting on Wednesday, August 11, you will not want to miss your sport's interest meeting. Each Fall Varsity Head Coach will facilitate a Google Meet for students interested in trying out for their program, on the date, time and meeting code listed below. The coaches will discuss the HCPSS Academic Eligibility Policy for Fall Sports participation, their program Philosophy, Try-out expectations and procedures, and the Online Athletic Registration Process (which will open in a few weeks on HCPSS connect). The HCPSS Academic Eligibility for Fall Sports is determined by a student’s 4th quarter report card. Students currently in grades 9-11 must have a 4th Quarter GPA of 2.0 or greater with no more than one “E” grade in order to be Eligible for Fall Sports tryouts on August 11th. The Academic Eligibility Policy for Fall sports does not apply to incoming 9th grade students. Please join us for these very important and informative interest meetings. FALL SPORTS INTEREST MEETING DATES, TIME & MEET CODE: Boys & Girls Cross Country - June 8, 7:00PM - CHS-xc Field Hockey - June 14, 6:00PM - CHS-fieldhockey JV & Varsity Football - June 9, 2:00PM - CHS-Football Golf (Boys & Girls) - June 7, 3:00PM - CHS-Golf JV & Varsity Boy’s Soccer - June 8, 3:00PM - CHS-boyssoccer JV & Varsity Girls Soccer - June 14, 7:00PM - CHS-girlssoccer JV & Varsity Volleyball - June 7, 7:00PM - CHS-Volleyball
To all the graduating 8th grade families with incoming Howard High School Freshman, we would like to extend the invitation to join us at our last virtual PTSA meeting of the year. This is a great way to meet the Board Members and possibly sign-up early to volunteer with committees and events for the upcoming year. Our meeting is next Tuesday, June 8th at 7pm. Please RSVP to Kim Hurst at vice_pres2@howardptsa.org. Marilyn Sanchez-Henry, Howard High School, PTSA President (Cell 443-416-8318)
Summer Sports Camps - Howard High School - Lions' Pride (howardlionspride.org)
Lions' Pride summer camps range in age from 3rd to 8th grade for the 2020/21 school year. All camps will be held at Howard High School. Camps are OPEN to ALL kiddos regardless of the schools they attend. If you are currently enrolled as a High School student, please do not sign up for a summer camp.
- Calling all ALUMNI, new and current HOHS families. Show off your Lions’ Pride with a personalized brick that will be installed at the field entrance by the lion. The first stage installation is nearly complete. Swing by HOHS and check it out OR click here to see a photo. https://www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/lionspride
[REMINDER] Returning HCPSS Devices: Students leaving HCPSS after the current 2020-2021 school year, including those unenrolling or graduating, must return their assigned HCPSS technology devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, etc. Students who will remain in HCPSS schools for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year may continue to borrow HCPSS technology devices over the summer. Learn more.Free Meals: As a reminder, all students, whether in-person, hybrid or virtual, can receive school meals at no cost to families.
Enrollment is OPEN for the 2021-2022 School Year: Learn more. Current HCPSS students DO NOT need to be re-enrolled each school year. However, take a moment to update your student’s FAMILY FILE, especially your and any emergency contact information. Optional Pronoun Settings: Learn more. Online Bullying Reporting Tool: Read more. HCPSS Translations: https://www.hcpss.org/2020-2021/translations/.COMMUNITY NEWS / EVENTS
HCPSS Community News / Events: Families can quickly discover educational and recreational resources, events, and after-school programs offered by community non-profits on HCPSS’s new Community News and Programs website.Free Parenting Classes: HC DrugFree and the Howard County State’s Attorney’s Office, partnering with HCPSS and the Health Department, will once again provide evidence-based classes for families to gain skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will engage in risky behaviors including using drugs. This 4-class series for parents of 9 to14-year-olds will be held on Zoom from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8. Parents/guardians must register at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ HCDrugFreeSpring2021. If you have questions, email Joan Webb Scornaienchi, HC DrugFree’s Executive Director at Admin@hcdrugfree.org.
HCPSS / TECHNOLOGY HELP https://help.hcpss.org/technology
HELP and INFORMATION concerning TECHNOLOGY (Chromebooks, HotSpots, etc.). Read More.[[{"fid":"694","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":""},"type":"media","attributes":{"height":118,"width":480,"class":"media-element file-default"}}]]
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4445 Montgomery Road
Ellicott City, MD 21043
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