EMMS Back-To-School Night (BTSN) 2021-2022

    EMMS Back-To-School Night (BTSN) -
September 8, 2021 @ 6:00 pm   When:  September 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM – 8:05 PM

We are excited to welcome each and every family to the 2021 Back to School Night at Ellicott Mills Middle School. Our doors will open at 5:45 PM and the event will end at 8:05 PM. We would like all families to be at Homeroom by 6:00 PM.

This year families can choose to meet each teacher by attending all sessions in-person at Ellicott Mills or by attending virtually as a “Fly on the Wall” through google meet using your student’s HCPSS credentials and google meet codes at the same time.

What You Can Expect:

This year we have two options for Back to School Night. You can attend all of our sessions in-person and get the full walk-around the building experience from class to class. Or you can attend virtually as a “Fly on the Wall.”

Back to School Night will allow you to visit your child’s classrooms and to meet the professionals who teach them. You will have the opportunity to hear information about your child’s classes and get to know your child’s teacher better. Each class visit is only ten minutes, which is a great way for the teacher to talk to all parents at once. That said, if you’d like to have an individual conversation with your child’s teacher, feel free to email the teacher to arrange a time for a parent/teacher conference.

You will also have the opportunity to sign up for our PTA which does so much for our school. We appreciate the membership and donations as it directly supports the students and staff at Ellicott Mills Middle School. Please consider joining (CLICK HERE) as we could not do a lot of the exciting initiatives for our kids without our PTA!

We know you are wondering if you should bring your student with you. Space is at a premium. Imagine 755 students, plus parents trying to move from class to class. If you are able, we ask that you come to Back to School Night without your child as space will be limited. We have plenty of staff to help guide you where to go as well as maps.

Getting Here:

Parking in the main bus loop will be limited to school staff. All other visitors are asked to park in the staff parking lot (parent pick-up lot) on the right side of the building if you are looking at EMMS from Route 103. Parking is also available for EMMS families at Veteran's Elementary School. There is a back path that you can take to avoid walking along Route 103.

Also, we ask that you support our efforts to reduce the impact of our event on the surrounding neighborhood by following these parking procedures: do not park on Mont Ridge Court or in our neighbor’s driveways. Thank you!

Schedule for the Evening:

Please see the linked schedule. CLICK HERE

We encourage you to write down your student’s schedule because you will only attend full year courses and their current quarter 1 courses.

During lunch periods, please report to the cafeteria. There you will find information relating to Canvas Supports, Family File sign-up, Free and Reduced Meal Information, and mental health services information.

Attending Virtually:

For families who are attending “Fly on the Wall.” You will log-in to each teacher’s google meet code using your student’s HCPSS credentials. You will not be allowed in unless you are logging as your student. We encourage you to use their Chromebook. Please note that not all teachers will be monitoring their computer to present slides or answers questions in the chat box; however, you will be able to hear their presentation.

For the “Fly on the Wall” sessions, you will start in homeroom and then transition to each period through google meet to listen to each teacher present. Please use the google meet code link below to know each code to enter homeroom and class periods. (global format: emms-teacher'sfirstinitialteacher'slastname)

Homeroom teachers by alphabet and their codes can be found here.

All teacher google meet codes can be found here.

What if my teacher is not present?

If your child’s teacher is not present, they will share a screencast/video presentation with you through their Canvas page. Some teachers have created a QR code on their door for you to access the information posted on Canvas even easier.

We look forward to seeing you and partnering with you in your child’s education. Thank you for your time, your support, and your commitment to your child’s success.


Ellicott Mills Middle School | 4445 Montgomery Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043 | 410-313-2839 | emms.hcpss.org


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