Glen Mar Church Announces - Day of Service 2020 (January 20th)


Our sixth annual Day of Service will be hosted at Glen Mar Church partnering with Ames Memorial UMC, St John Baptist Church, and Terps Against Hunger. Join us for family-friendly short-term service activities for ages 5 to 105 that will make a positive difference in our community. There will be about 18 different on-site and a couple off-site activities. The activities help with food security, community development, public health, and support the morale of service members. The Day of Service offers individuals, families, and friends, the opportunity to serve together. We hope to attract over 1,400 people (last
year’s attendance was 1,345) and package over 100,000 meals. We will also hold a blood drive with the American Red Cross. So, come for an hour or come for the day!

MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2020 (MLK JR. DAY) FROM 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM
COST: The event is FREE and open to the public but donations allow us to expand the event.
WHAT: Family friendly short-term service activities for ages 5 to 105 years old. We will offer free childcare from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM for 1 to 4 year olds.
WHERE: Glen Mar Church, 4701 New Cut Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043
SERVICE HOURS: Authorization forms for your service hours are available at the sign-in table
ON-SITE LUNCH: Bowl of chili with or without meat, grilled cheese sandwich, and a bottle of water
Have questions? Email us at or call 410-465-4995